How to be better at networking


The first part of any relationship is connection but how many times does this connection come with ulterior motives?


In business I think networking can feel like this . What’s the true intention behind the conversation at a networking event:-


Is the conversation based around each party thinking how can I contribute to the life and business of the person I’m talking to? Or maybe ...



Are you trying to ascertain their values to see if you are aligned to do with business with them ?


I’d suggest most are not thinking this.


I’d suggest mostly the main intention is purely to pitch , hand over a business card and move on if they don’t seem immediately interested.



There is never a chance for this relationship to be deepened just because they didn’t want , what you have , right at this moment so you moved on ...



However they might want it one day and even more if they connected with you further then they probably do know someone who...

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