Why Coronavirus will save society

Since 2013 I’ve known that community will be the core of all businesses in the future and it seems that 2020 is the year that the world gets the wake up call that it needs to shift us from a society of “me” to a society of “we”.

We’ve demanded instant gratification in all areas of our lives. We want everything now. We have an insatiable appetite for convenience and services on demand, the Netflix subscription the next day Amazon deliveries, the Apps that give us 24/7 access to a pool of potential new partners, so long as they sell themselves to us within a second with their filtered profile picture, hiding the authentic and real human, scared that no one will like them if they show up as themselves...

We’ve become epic consumers, fast fashion, fast food, fast entertainment, who remembers what an album is? We no longer invest and support artists by buying their albums instead we pay Apple and Spotify £9.99 a month for everything, screw the artist, I’m ok.

We’ve put instant gratification ahead of people, ahead of building relationships and ahead of our local communities.

We had no intention of stopping.

We pretend we are all so much more connected today, heads down on our smart phones, on social media, tapped into our communities, following the influencers who show up everyday living their best lives. ( well so you think)

Who are we kidding? Social isolation is at an all time high. People are literally killing themselves because they can’t cope. They can’t live up to their Instagram feed, they feel like they don’t fit in. They aren’t successful, they don’t earn enough money, they aren’t pretty enough...

Yet, only a few speak out. Most of us live a silent battle. Many turning to alcohol, sex, drugs, you name it just to escape for a few minutes.

Something had to change.

Humans hate change, we fear change, we will do anything to avoid it and so it was taken out of our hands for the good of humanity.

As the world moves to enforced social isolation we are presented with a new opportunity.

I believe, things in life happen for us, not to us. What can we learn from the events that are unfolding today in the world?

I believe this is a chance for all of us to stop. To take time out to reflect , to understand what isolation feels like. To have the opportunity to understand the silent pain that billions across the world, suffer everyday, a pain created by humans through lack of connection, lack of empathy, lack of understanding, lack of community.

On the other side of this ( and we will get through this) millions of people around the world will have had first experience of what it's like to feel disconnected, lonely and fearful and this will create a new wave of compassion in the world. Individuals and businesses, will no longer see community building as an unnecessary expense, they won't worry that it doesn't create instant results ( what meaningful relationship in life is ever created overnight?) but they will understand what I understand about community.

They will see that by building relationships in your lives and businesses you create unbreakable bonds with other humans. Humans who will support you whatever the world throws at you. Ambassadors for you and your business who will refer you again and again, for free.

This is the wake up call. Fear will not improve this situation, although I understand, I feel it too.

Connection, community, communication, compassion. Focus here and together we will get though this. If this resonates, please share this message, humanity needs it.

Claire Perry-Louise

My name is Claire Perry-Louise, I’m an Entrepreneur , a People, Culture and Community Specialist if you need to identify me but fundamentally I’m a human living this experience, who deeply wants to connect the world in more positive ways, to create more happiness in the workplace and society. To make each one of us feel worthy, to feel seen, to feel connected. If you need help as a leader to connect with your team, to build community, or put your business online get in touch. [email protected] or join my Facebook Group to keep in touch here Also find my website at www.claireperrylouise.com

If I can’t help, I will know someone who can. Community is everything.

#socialisolation #coronavirus #community #remoteworkers #connection #makeadent


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